Board Information

Southern 14 Workforce Investment Board, Inc.


2022 Board Officers

Chairman: Dean Rogan Sr.
Vice Chairman: Doreen Ewell
Secretary/Treasurer: Lori Cox


The Local Workforce Investment Board (LWIB) is appointed by the Chief Elected Officials in Alexander, Edwards, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Johnson, Massac, Pope, Pulaski, Saline Union, Wabash, Wayne and White county.  Southern 14 Workforce Investment Board, Inc. works in cooperation with the Chief Elected Officials in these counties to implement the programs of the Workforce IInnovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). It is composed of a business majority, business chairperson and members representing organized labor, local government departments, educators and people with experience at delivering programs and youth services. The Local Board develops the Local Four-Year Plan with the approval of the Chief Elected Official for submission to the Governor. The Local Board selects the Illinois workNet Center operators, selects the service and training providers and conducts oversight of the programs. The Board  (with the approval of the 14 county CEO's) develops a budget and allocates resources necessary to carry out the programs proposed in the Local Plan. It coordinates Workforce Investment activities with local Economic Development strategies and negotiates local performance measures.


The objective of the LWIB is to work together in a sharing and cooperative manner to ensure that the local workforce investment system puts the needs of employers and job seekers first.



■ Members of the LWIB must be appointed by the CEO’s (if multi-county, per CEO Consortium Agreement)

■ A majority of the LWIB members must be from the private sector

■ The LWIB must also contain the required public sector membership

■ In Illinois, the LWIB must have TANF representation

■ The LWIB must abide by the Open Meetings Act

■ The LWIB must elect a chairperson from the private sector

■ The LWIB must establish By-Laws




Majority private sector membership (represent businesses with employment opportunities and optimum policy making authority)  The Officers of the board must be representatives of business. (private sector) 2 Private (Business) Members from each county: Alexander - Edwards - Gallatin – Hamilton - Hardin - Johnson - Massac - Pope - Pulaski - Saline - Union - Wabash - Wayne - White.


Required Public Members:

  • Labor (2)
  • Education (1+)
  • Education – Community College President (1)
  • Community Based Organization (2)
  • Economic Development Agencies (2)
  • One Stop Partners (1+)
  • Workforce Investment Act Title I
  • Wagner-Peyser Act/Employment Service
  • Workforce Investment Act Title II Adult Education and Literacy
  • Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act, Title I)
  • Title V Older Americans Act
  • Postsecondary Vocational Education/Carl D. Perkins Act
  • Trade Act/NAFTA
  • Veterans, Title 38
  • CSBG Employment and Training
  • HUD Employment and Training
  • Unemployment Insurance
  • Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Programs
  • Job Corps
  • TANF
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