Illinois workNet Centers

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act mandates that each required service provider (local partner) must make their services available through a common facility called a One-Stop Career Service Center. Each WIOA area must have at least one, comprehensive Career Center facility.  Area #26 has 1 Illinois workNet Center and 11 satellite offices.  Area #26’s comprehensive workNet Center is located in Carmi and each of the 14 counties has a satellite office.  The Act allows for services to be provided through a variety of methods which include; co-location of personnel, cross training of staff, electronic linkages or a combination of methods.  A portion of each facility is set aside as a resource room with computer technology, brochures and pamphlets, and hard copy resource materials.  Anyone who enters the One-Stop Career Center or satellite office are able to access the Illinois workNet and Illinois Job Link websites to apply for and look for jobs, get assistance in resume writing, interviewing techniques and labor market information.

WorkNet services are available universally to anyone who requests them.  Only when a client applies for program specific services do the eligibility criteria for that program apply.  Due to staff limitations and budgetary constraints, most local partners have elected to provide their services through electronic linkages, referrals and/or cross training of workNet staff.  WIOA Title 1 and certain programs sponsored by the Community Action Agencies are the only programs which maintain staff at the workNet center/satellite offices on a full time basis.

Requirements for the operation of the One-Stop Career Service Centers are contained in agreements between the Workforce Investment Board and the local partners.  These agreements are called “Memorandums of Understanding”.  The Workforce Investment Board maintains oversight authority for the operation of the workNet centers.


Operators of One-Stop Career Service Centers are competitively bid through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process.  Please look under the 'News' tab for the current RFP.


One-Stop Career Service Center Designation and Certification:





Reasonable Accommodations

One-Stop Career Service Centers provide a variety of services for job seekers, including: career counseling, education and job-training guidance, financial aid for education and training, personalized career plans, unemployment insurance services, other Internet job listings, and referrals to partner organizations. In addition, our staff can help you develop your resume, write a cover letter to an employer and sharpen your interviewing skills.

You can also use the One-Stop Career Service Centers as you look for a job. We provide computers, printers, fax machines and copiers to help you communicate your interest to potential employers.

Adaptive Equipment

Our Assistive Technology Center provides access to equipment and software for individuals with special needs including:


  • Monitors are large monitors to aid users with visual impairments
  • Keyboards are fitted with large key, brailed overlays.
  • A specialized Intellekeys keyboard is available for users who cannot operate a standard keyboard
  • Standard and Ken Expert 7.0 mice are available for users who may have hand/finger dexterity or mobility difficulties.
  • Pocket Talker Pro with headphone equipped with microphones are available for users with both hearing and visual impairments.
  • WYNN Reader is a literacy software tool designed to enhance success for individuals with reading challenges and writing difficulties. WYNN transforms printed text into understandable information that can benefit readers of all ages.
  • Zoom Text enlarges the images and text on the screen to assist users with visual impairments.
  • Open Book program that can read printed materials aloud.
  • A TTY access is available for users to make and receive calls.
  • Braille Embosser
  • Magnification Devices


Counseling Services

Illinois workNet Center staff members are trained on the equipment and software, and are available to assist all individuals. In addition, we can arrange for other accommodations such as interpreters and large print materials upon request.


Job Search Assistance and Job Development

One on one job search assistance provides an opportunity for clients to develop a job search strategy that is customized to meet their needs.


Referral Services

Illinois workNet Center staff will refer clients to other partner agencies for more comprehensive services based on need.  These partner agencies include:

  • Title II - Adult Education/Literacy
  • Title III - Wagner/Peyser (Illinois Department of Employment Security)
  • Tile V - Illinois Department of Human Services - Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Continuing Technical Education - Perkins
  • Trade Adjust Assistance (Illinois Department of Employment Security)
  • Illinois Deparment of Human Services - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Senior Community Services Emplkoyment Program (SCSEP)
  • Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)
  • Unemployment Insurance (Illinois Deparment of Employment Security)
  • Veterans Job Counseling (LVERs and DVOPs) (Illinois Department of Employment Security)
  • National Farmworkers Jobs Program (Illinois Migrant Council)
  • Job Corp Program (Golconda Job Corp)
  • Migrant Seasonal Farmworker Programs (Illinois Department of Employment Security)

Electronic Resume Preparation

Trained Illinois workNet Center staff is available to assist clients with developing a professional, up to date, accurate, and organized resume that can be distributed to potential employers.


Skills Assessment

Assessment services are available to all Illinois workNet Center clients. These tests are used to determine both the types of jobs that are best suited for the clients as well as to identify any training or educational needs.

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