The Southern 14 Workforce Investment Board, Inc. (LWIA #26) is one of Illinois' 22 regional boards established by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity of 2014 (WIOA).
The Southern 14 Board is a private, not-for-profit corporation dedicated to providing the highest quality and most effective workforce development services to the residents in the 14 counties of:
Alexander, Edwards, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Johnson, Massac, Pope, Pulaski, Saline, Union, Wabash, Wayne and White
The Board is the grant recipient for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Funds and is responsible for oversight and monitoring of the programs operated with those funds.
Are you curious about learning more or wondering if you may qualify?
Contact us at: Southern 14 Workforce Investment Board, Inc.
PO Box 186 Carmi IL 62821
Phone 618-382-5024
Monday thru Thurs 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Email boffice@so14lwib.com
Click on one of the logo's below and it will take you directly to their respective website:

Veteran Services (illinois.gov)