Board Member Responsibilities


Together with CEOs, the LWIB sets policy and oversight for the local area.

■ Coordinate workforce investment activities with economic development strategies and develop em-ployer linkages

■ Promote private sector involvement

■ Participate in regional planning activities

■ Ensure effective provision of connecting, brokering and coaching activities to assist employers in meeting hiring needs

■ Determine the appropriate mix of core intensive and training services

In cooperation with the CEOs, the LWIB must also:

■ Select One-Stop operator

■ Negotiate Memorandums of Understanding

■ Develop a five-year plan

■ Appoint and oversee a youth council

■ Negotiate performance measures

■ Develop an operating budget

■ Direct the disbursal of Title 1B funds

■ Establish and operate a fiscal and management accountability system

■ Conduct oversight of youth activities, the One-Stop system and employment and training activities



■ Identify and maintain a list of eligible service providers and ensure their continuous improvement

■ Select eligible youth service providers as recommended by the youth council

■ Award grants or contracts on a competitive basis to eligible youth providers based on recommenda-tions of the youth council

■ Ensure that parents, participants and community members are involved in the design and imple-mentation of local youth programs

■ Identify serious barriers to employment to be used under the 5% window for youth eligibility

■ Ensure that eligible youth are provided information on the full array of applicable services and are referred to appropriate programs

■ Make available opportunities for individuals who have successfully participated in the program to assist participants in the form of mentoring tutoring and other activities

■ Receive applications from potential training providers and determine their eligibility

■ Determine if training may be provided for occupations in sectors of the economy that have high potential for growth and demand locally

■ Conduct open meetings and regularly provide information to the public on its activities



■ Employ staff

■ Incorporate as not-for-profit (directly receive grants and donations)

■ Make recommendations to CEOs on filing board vacancies

■ Form committees (committee membership not limited to Board membership)

■ Approve other One-Stop partners not listed as mandatory (with consent of CEOs)

■ Terminate One-Stop operators for cause (with consent of CEOs)

■ Require higher levels of performance for eligibility of service providers

■ Require additional performance information

■ Contract for core and intensive services if not provided by One-Stop Operator

■ Transfer up to 30% of funds between adult and dislocated worker funding streams

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