Appointment Process


WIOA Nomination Form

WIOA Member Appointment Form 



■ Members of the LWDB must be appointed by the CEO’s (if multi-county, per CEO Consortium Agreement) but nominated by:

  1. These nomination requirements apply to all business and labor appointments to the Local Board as well as Adult Education and higher education entities when multiple providers are in the area. 
  2. The CEO must contact appropriate businesses, workforce or educational entities, including chambers of commerce, labor representatives and local educational entities serving the Local Area, to request nominations for local workforce board membership. 
  3. Business representatives are to be nominated by local business organizations and business trade associations.  Such organizations may consist of local chambers of commerce or business councils.
  4. Labor representatives are to be nominated by local labor federations such as labor councils or building and trades councils or (for an LWIA in which no employees are represented by such organizations) by other representatives of employees, such as employee organizations and/or the State AFL-CIO.  A labor representative cannot be nominated from a local union.
  5. Local providers administering adult education and family literacy activities are to be nominated by other providers identified by the Illinois Community College Board when multiple providers are in the local area.
  6. Local institutions of higher education are to be nominated by other institutions identified by the Illinois State Board of Education when multiple institutions are in the local area.
  7. Individuals may nominate themselves if they meet the criteria to nominate and represent the particular business, organization, or program for which they are being nominated.
  8. All nominations must be made using the LWIB Nomination Form (OET/LWIB Form # 001). (See the Forms & Instructions tab.)

■ A majority of the LWDB members must be from the private sector 

■ The LWDB must also contain the required public sector membership

■ In Illinois, the LWDB  must have TANF representation

■ The LWDB must abide by the Open Meetings Act

■ The LWDB must elect a chairperson from the private sector

■ The LWDB must establish By-Laws


Required  Membership:

Business (51% majority)

Workforce (20% of membership):
Labor/Labor Apprenticeships; CBO for Employment, Training or Education; Employment, Training or Education for Youth

Education & Training:
Eligible Providers of Adult Education & Literacy; Institutions of Higher Education; Local Educational Agencies and CBO's

Governmental & Economic/Community Development:
Economic & Community Development; State Employment Services under Wagner-Peyser; Programs under Title I of the Rehabilitation Act; Transportation, Housing and Public Assistance; Philanthropic Organizations








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